Beulah Truck Project Stage 1 Complete!

30 June 2023 / By Gareth Bentley

Friday the 30th of June was a very exciting day deep in the Mkushi bush! With Stage 1 of the project complete, the Beulah Training Centre truck finally made the long, dusty journey from Chingola back to Mkushi just 3 days before the Discipleship Training school was scheduled to begin! Tobias Schempp has invested over 150 hours of his professional time on the project modifying the truck to be used for ministry into remote rural areas. The modifications included creating an enclosed back for transporting people and cargo as well as built-in seating, storage and a fold-away stage. With this part of the project complete, the truck can be used for the DTS course over the next 6 months before returning to Chingola for Stage 2. This second stage will include adding water storage, solar power, a built-in kitchen, plumbing, lighting and a climbing wall!

A massive thank you to Tobias and to Steve Studd for the many, many long hours of cutting and welding and grinding and painting! Tobias was also able to work on the engine and hydraulics to make sure the truck is in tip-top mechanical condition for the adventures ahead!

We are now fundraising for State 2 of this project, so please get in touch if you would like to be a part of this exciting transformation of an old army truck!

Meanwhile the Beulah site was miraculously finished just in time and the inaugural Discipleship Training School began it’s 2nd week today. If you would like to find out more about Beulah please get in touch with Richard on